Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The best Map I know

Please forgive this mess, I’m on a mobile and editing will be a nightmare. Still I am compelled to share this info because, Map Stoke!!

I’ve been using Strava to track my rides since 2015. I hoped one day it would give me useful data. That day has come for everyone! 

Take a look, here is the typical ride tracking screen.

Kinda dull, but there’s a layers option just below 2D on the lower right. 

Get in there and turn on the “Global Heatmap”. These are routes people have taken by bike during the previous year. 

Look at all those blue lines! That’s where people have been riding! Roadies, Mountain Bikers and Commuters all made those lines! Zoom in and you see the lines darken the more they are travelled. Dark blue lines mean Prime cycling routes. 
But it gets even better. Back to that layers screen.

Turn on “My Heatmap” and go to edit.

This will overlay your own heat map from your Strava tracks. Set this color to orange to differentiate between global and your own. 

There it is! Cycling routes in Blue and your own map lines in Orange. Where you you’ve been and where your friends have been. 

Finding and navigating new roads or rerouting during an activity just became super easy. Happy wandering!